Beachy Vibes and Berry Pie

Beachy Vibes and Berry Pie

Rain, rain, rain... you'd be mistaken in thinking that Australia is a hot and dry country with the amount of rain we've had recently.
Making lots of hexies

Making lots of hexies

I've spent the past couple of days going through my scrap bags and preparing hexies. 
Green + other stuff

Green + other stuff

I've finished playing with my green scraps (for now) and have made my blocks for the 2 RSC projects which I have on-the-go for this year. 
Spiral Quilting + Crochet

Spiral Quilting + Crochet

My scrappy log cabin addiction is growing and I made another batch of pink ones. I'm using these in a project and yesterday I did some s...
Friday Night with Friends (March 2021)

Friday Night with Friends (March 2021)

Friday Night with Friends is always a fun event. FNwF is hosted by Cheryll over at Gone Stitchin' on the first Friday of each month.