

One of the first things we do upon returning home, from days away, is go out and check the garden for new growth. FlyBoy and I are newbies w...
Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

I live in a beautiful part of the world. Just a two hour drive down the highway and we're at the seaside village of a Ulladulla.  It is ...
Stitchin' & Fishin'

Stitchin' & Fishin'

The car has been packed (to almost bursting point). Everyone has been bundled into the car and we've travelled 2.5 hours down the highw...
Happenings #3

Happenings #3

FlyBoy and I spent a child-free weekend in the city. We were free for 48 hours, to explore the city, WITHOUT KIDS!  It has been such a long ...
WONKA Fudge {Slow Cooker Recipe}

WONKA Fudge {Slow Cooker Recipe}

I’ve been having a little love affair with my slow cooker (also known as a Dutch Oven in some countries) of late. The cooler months are per...