My secret is out! *** UPDATED POST ***

My secret is out! *** UPDATED POST ***

*** UPDATED *** Thank you to everyone, for your kind words and support.  A few readers have mentioned that they're interested in pur...
Wordless Wednesday - Licorice All-Sort Edition

Wordless Wednesday - Licorice All-Sort Edition

I'm still playing with coloured solid fabrics. I've decided to call this block the "licorice all-sort". It's brig...
New Arrivals

New Arrivals

I received a box full of goodies from my Moda distributor today. Some are newer lines and some are favourites which I’m restocking. I have ...
A Self Portrait

A Self Portrait

It is 'meet the teacher' time at many Australian schools. Last night, Year one parents (me) had the fun task of meeting the teach...
Stripping the Dresden Block

Stripping the Dresden Block

Are you ready for a visual feast? Yes, I am blowing my own trumpet, but I love how this block has turned out. The colours are soooo vibra...
String Blocks in Aqua and Red

String Blocks in Aqua and Red

I’m a sucker for many things… chocolate, cuddles, fabric sales and joining quilting bees. I’d told myself I wouldn’t join any quilting bees...
Mariners Compass {with DS fabrics}

Mariners Compass {with DS fabrics}

Remember that class I told you about last week? The class with Chris Jurd where we learn to make one of her quilts? For a memory refresh, ...
A walk down memory lane

A walk down memory lane

Last night, it was like it was 1989 and I was 13 again. I was reminded of sitting in my bedroom, playing cassette tapes on my little red ta...
Valentines Day

Valentines Day

Its February 14, which means its the day we're supposed to demonstrate our love by buying greeting cards, flowers, chocolates and spark...
Quilted... finally!

Quilted... finally!

My Starflower Quilt is quilted! I was going to hand quilt but decided to wrangle instead. It took 7+ hours (over 3 days) and over 1000m ...