Meet Chester

Meet Chester

Meet Chester. He is the newest member of our family and even though he's only been with us for just over a week, he's certainly made...
That Christmassy Feeling

That Christmassy Feeling

Sometimes, you just need to do a little bit of festive stitching to get into the Christmas spirit. These (slightly tweaked) tree decorations...
Bits n Pieces

Bits n Pieces

The school year has ended and is it me, or does it feel like the excitement of starting the new school year was only yesterday? So many acti...
Dream Catchers

Dream Catchers

I have a soft spot for many things... ice cream, kittens, fluffy knitted booties, fresh sheets, pink roses... and dream catchers. This will ...
Sunday Catch-Up

Sunday Catch-Up

Life is spiralling along at a million miles an hour. The end of year madness is in full swing, with a lot of commitments and deadlines. Part...